Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Out from under the rock

Again, sorry I haven't been posting. I've been processing Obama information for the past few days. I'd gotten tired of listening to his same old stump speech, so I went out and got "The Audacity of Hope" on audio.

I gotta say, I like the way the man thinks. He has a lot of depth. He's really thought this through. Which is impressive because he wrote this in 2006 before he really was running for president. It's obvious he's been think about it for some time.

My only disappointment was in that he's such a good orator that I was expecting a rather exciting performance. However, I think that most of the time he only came across as forceful and earnest.

Anyway, I've got the basic rhythm of his speech, his writing burned into my mind now and it's probably going to have an effect on how I think and write for the next few days. I think that anything I do/say right now should include a warning label.

Warning: UIO - Under the Influence of Obama.

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