Monday, December 24, 2007

So now, I must pay it forward

I was in a hurry to get to work as I was checking out at Jubilee this afternoon, buying flour and sprinkles for a baking project. The checker had rung me up, and I was about to run my card through to pay the $3.38.

"Stop," said the woman behind me. She had a stern look about her. "I try to do three good deeds a day. I want to pay for his bill."

The stern look was just her way of letting both of us know "I mean it. I really want to do this."

I could only shrug and thank her. She took out her money to pay, and I gave the only response that made sense, "I will pay it forward."

So now, that woman will be on my mind as others cross my path, in checkout lines, at gas stations, on the street. I must keep an eye out for someone who will need a little help getting through the day. The amount of money or how desperate the person seems to be won't matter.

What matters is to actually DO something to help another, rather than just wishing them well.

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