Friday, April 11, 2008

Ugly past, brighter future

My column on racism on the Opinion Page in Sunday's Star-Gazette has certainly made it an interesting week.

At first, I was nervous as the publication date approached, but it appears that most took the column in the spirit it was intended. I've received congratulations notes from my publisher, colleagues and neighbors. Some have been reserved in their reactions to it, which is understandable.

But what's been really good is how well behaved the Story Chatters - known for breaking into racist rants - have been. They've actually got a pretty good discussion going on off of my column.

The column is at:

So, now that after writing about the white man's point of view on racism, I'll be following up with a column on a man's point of view about violence against women.

Then, if that works, I intend to try a column on the Iraqi perspective on the Iraq war.

Anybody see a pattern here?

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