Tuesday, April 15, 2008


We were just talking about the pope's visit. A fallen Catholic was saying how much he would hate to spend so many hours waiting to see the pope. He couldn't understand the appeal.

Then, Salle said she would just approach it like going to a big Star Trek Convention.

Brilliant. Star Trek is sort of like a religion to some, so the analogy works.

I told her I think she just found the solution to saving the church from its falling attendance numbers: combine Star Trek with the Church!

Instead of an altar, perform the Eucharistic rites on a stage built to look like the bridge. The altar boys would be dressed like crewmen. The priest would be dressed like the captain.

"The body of Christ."
"Make it so."

If you don't think science fiction and religion belong together, check out "Battlestar Galactica." It's the Cylons who are teaching the humans that there is only one true God.

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