Friday, May 4, 2018

Talking points

[My notes as I was getting ready to film the video announcement]

Hi, I’m your neighbor, Ed Bond, and I’m running for the Chemung County Legislature – 4th District.

Yeah, I know most people around Horseheads know me as another dad,
Or as a board game inventor
Or a sci-fi nerd
Or from when I was a volunteer with the Boy Scouts
Or as an advocate for animals …

But before I was laid off in 2009, I had spent 25 years in journalism.
I’d been a reporter in 5 states.
I’d covered stories at all levels of government from school board and zoning boards up to state and federal government. My first job out of school was to cover the Steuben County Legislature for the Star-Gazette. I then went on to cover the city of Burbank for the Los Angeles Times.

I met a lot of people who made a difference in the world. They taught me that democracy works if ordinary people are willing to step up, get involved and work together to find solutions to problems.

To be a journalist, I had to listen, to learn and get my facts straight. And when I made a mistake, I had to correct it. People relied on me to get them the right information.

But I’ve grown tired of sitting on the sidelines. I want to make use of all the memories, the people I’ve met, the meetings I’ve gone to, the events I’ve covered, the lessons I’ve learned as a government watchdog.

So, this is me, jumping in. I’m not saying I have all the answers. That will come from listening and learning to the residents of the 4th legislative district like you.

But I think my starting point is this:

We need openness in government, fiscal transparency,
better communication within government and between governments
and better communication between the government and the people.

Want to hear my campaign slogan?
Well, we’re in the 4th District...
And I am a sci-fi nerd… 

So … May the FOURTH be with you!

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