Monday, January 14, 2008

Anybody else think this is a bad idea?

First off, sorry I haven't blogged recently. Let's just say I've been distracted by the treehouse work.

Anyway, looking ahead to the Nevada primary on Saturday, I just keep seeing trouble. Politicians campaigning in Las Vegas. Hmmm. .... With so many political careers ruined by sex, drugs, gambling and other vices, it seems dangerous to bring a major presidential campaign to Sin City. Kinda like sending an alcoholic on a tour of a whiskey distillery.

I can't wait to see what kind of headlines come out of the mixture of power, sex, money and temptation.

Then again, this may be a key test for some candidates and their staffs. If they can survive here, we might learn something about their character. If they fail, we may learn something of their weaknesses.

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