Thursday, July 28, 2022

Chemung County Issues -- The Environment

 Chemung County government does a lot that affects the environment. 

Sewer, storm water runoff, solid waste, parks, agriculture, all affect and are affected by the environment. And when there is a problem in any one of these areas, it affects all of us. Environmental impacts are rarely localized. They affect all residents and all life within our county and beyond. 

We need clean air and clean water. We only have one Earth and must take care of it. 

I look at it the way a homeowner looks at their house. You must maintain the house, otherwise it will collapse. You can't let your roof rot and your cellar leak. You want to do take care of it properly so you don't leave the problem for the next person.

The Earth is our home. We want to take care of it for the next generation.

This is a simplified position on a very complex issue, and I invite you to contact me to raise your own concerns about the environment in Chemung County.

My email is

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