Friday, July 10, 2009

Re: Contact Form Submission

I'll be off line for a couple of days, but I just got an e-mail from state Sen. George Winner, so I thought I'd share it. Thoughts? Comments? Suggestions?:

"I've heard from many of you over the past several weeks on the Senate leadership standoff -- in support and in strong opposition.

"While the leadership issue has been settled, for now, the more important (and more difficult) work of ensuring far-reaching changes in New York government remains ahead of us.

"So I'm glad for this chance to provide an update.

"First and foremost, please know that I've appreciated your participation. I'm grateful for your input, and I'm glad that we've had the chance to share some direct give-and-take during this important time in New York government.

"As I've said to you before, we're trying to dramatically change the longstanding culture of Albany politics and government -- in ways that many of you have been demanding for years -- and it's not coming easy.

"Most importantly, I'm glad that you've been paying attention. That's critical at the moment.

"Because now we need to pay attention to New York government like never before.

"The newly reconstructed Senate Democratic leadership means one thing for certain: We've returned to one-party, one-region, downstate control of New York government.

"That concerns me. This year's state budget -- the largest tax increase in state history, billions of dollars in new spending, no upstate job creation initiatives, you name it -- still stands as proof that upstate New York's taxpayers, employers, workers, and families don't get a fair shake in a state government under one-party, one-region, downstate control.

"Our communities can't afford to return to the kind of state government that we witnessed during the first six months of 2009 and that produced the last four weeks of standoff in the Senate.

"But now there's one real difference, which gives me hope. Our effort since June 8th to bring far-reaching reform to the Senate has given true momentum to enacting the kind of legislative changes that good government advocates have been demanding for years.

"Next week, the newly reconstructed Senate Democratic leadership has pledged action on the broad reforms we've put in motion since June 8th.

"Now we have to hold them to their word.

"We have the first chance we've ever had to remake the Senate -- to take power away from the leadership, to create a climate of cooperative action, and to ensure that upstate New York communities always have the voice in New York government they deserve.

"That's my No. 1 goal in the days ahead.

"You've told me that New York government needs to change, and I agree. We're trying, and I'll keep doing my best to keep you informed. I hope that we can stay in touch.

"It's been good to hear from you. Thank you for your interest, your patience, and, most of all, your willingness to share your own opinions and suggestions."

NYS Senate George Winner
53rd District

1 comment:

amy said...

"We have the first chance we've ever had to remake the Senate -- to take
power away from the leadership, to create a climate of cooperative action, and to ensure that upstate New York communities always have the voice in New York government they deserve."

Excuse me, Mr. Winner, but weren't the Republicans the leadership for the last, oh, 40 years or so?