Tuesday, June 3, 2008


So, now that Obama has clinched the nomination, I am left with an irrestistable thought: If Hillary Clinton really does want the VP slot, it would be a terrible mistake if Obama did not pick her. Leaving her off the ticket would be a devastating blow to the incredible momentum the Democratic Party has enjoyed this year. Without her on the ticket, millions of potential voters could be lost to McCain.
McCain may seem old and doddering, but I wouldn't want to underestimate him. He is a maverick. He can shake off the George Bush legacy and give us a close election.

Yes, Obama's campaign has been exciting, but you can't deny how driven and how enthusiastic Hillary's supporters have been. For weeks now, the pundits have said the race was over, and still even into the last night of the primary, she still won races. There had to be a lot of people out there who believe in her. The Democrats may lose a lot of those good people if Hillary is not on board.

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