Saturday, March 29, 2008

The Phantom Quote

I saw it only briefly in a story posted on Yahoo, and I couldn't find it again the next day. But in a story about Rev. Jeremiah Wright, there was a comment from John McCain about Barack Obama that from his work in the Senate, he knew that Obama did not share in Wright's extremist, hateful views.

It was the kind of a comment that does not get picked up, rehashed and picked apart by the pundits because there's nothing juicy about it. However, it is just the sort of comment that tells us a lot about John McCain. Another example was when a radio commentator went totally off the wall in his comments about Obama at a political rally. McCain admonished the man later, saying that as a member of the Senate Obama deserved respect.

Bottom line, McCain is a class act. For all that he has suffered, he keeps it in perspective. He has confidence in his ultimate victory, so he is not going to waste time in win-at-all-costs measures.

I'm not voting for him. I'm a Democrat, and I disagree with his position on Iraq. But I must say I have a lot of respect for the man.

If anyone can find or dig up that quote I am talking about, I would be grateful. I'd hate to think I just imagined it.

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